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About Us

PFLAG Tinley Park

PFLAG Tinley Park was formed in the fall of 2015. PFLAG Tinley Park's mission is to promote the health and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community and their loved ones through support, education, and advocacy.

Although we are not counselors, we are here to support one another and offer an opportunity to dialogue and help to create a society that is healthy and respectful of human diversity. Any information that individuals reveal about themselves or their family is honored with strict confidentiality. PFLAG Tinley Park is committed to trust and respect all persons.

We are proud to have become a place for the loved ones of LGBTQ+people and LGBTQ+ people themselves to find resources, advocates, and acceptance. We've made lasting connections to people and organizations in our community and recently joined the Tinley Park Chamber of Commerce. Our outreach includes local school resource fairs, presentations at libraries and forest preserve districts, tabling at pride events, and decorating a tree every year at the Oak Park Avenue Metra train station.

What We Do

Provide Support – PFLAG facilitates separate monthly in-person and online support groups, as well as a weekly support group for parents and allies of transgender folks. We also provide periodic programs for special topics and events.

Offer Education – Each month, as part of our support groups, we provide a different topic relevant to the time of year (back-to-school, coming out, etc.).  For the parents / allies of transgender folks, we might provide a faith-based discussion one month, recommend books the next week, share our stories, and provide trans-specific education topics. We also do periodic special programs like suicide prevention training, name change clinic, and others.

Advocate – PFLAG strives to partner with other local and National organizations to educate key decision-makers about the issues that affect our loved ones and families, and to teach others how to use their voices to amplify our efforts toward a more equitable, and just world for the LGBTQ+ community.

Community Outreach

PFLAG Tinley Park reaches out to organizations of all kinds – schools, churches, libraries, social services, health & wellness organizations – to help people understand the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Likewise PFLAG Tinley Park relies upon like organizations to help us keep abreast of the latest information available for LGBTQ+ issues.

Contact us at [email protected] if you:

  • Have an event that PFLAG Tinley Park could have a resource table at.
  • Would like someone from PFLAG Tinley Park attend or speak at your event.
  • Are interested in being a guest speaker at one of our meetings.
  • Want to support our cause!
Need a Parent for Your Wedding?

If you need a stand-in parent or two (or more!) for your special day, we’d love to be there to make your day as special as we can. Email us at [email protected].